#Wise Solutions
We’re living in the ‘big data era’ which has created an increasing expectation for marketers to combine the contradictory roles of storyteller and scientist.
Never before have we had access to such a wide range of diverse data, which can give us insights into our customer’s behaviour,
preferences, motivations and needs. In keeping with the trend and bandwagon, we’ve seen
the development of the concept of 360 degree digital campaigns.
Have you ever come across the concept of communicating bees and postman pigeons, which were used in ancient times as a way of
communicating an idea within the masses? In the same way, the 360-degree campaign works. It is an online strategy used
to achieve a specific business goal and helps in fostering an idea, product or service by increasing engagement,
traffic and vending. The 360-degree campaign utilizes the world of Web and digital technologies to promote
a brand and its related elements that reaches customers at all possible points of contact.
The website, TV station, newspaper, radio station, magazine or any other advertising venues you place your Ad with is a crucial decision. You will need to look at not only the cost of your preferred venues but also whether they reach your target demographic. Ad buys can make up a significant portion of your budget. Deciding on where you will place your Ads first, tells you how much money you’ll have leftover for actually creating your Ad.
• Selection of media: the media or number of media selected should be the one that will reach the target customers or audience.
• Media scheduling: the scheduling has to be done accurately so that the ad will be visible or be read or be audible to the targeted customers at the right time.
There’s too much crowd in the market. Where are you promoting?
Turn on the television and chances are you’ll soon see a commercial of your product. On your social medium, you’ll see a banner Ad for that same product. You’ll see the same imagery and messaging in your social newsfeeds, an Ad on a bus stop and in the store on a large banner. Everywhere you go, we at DigiStreet with our radar take your brand along. Savvy marketers develop 360 marketing campaigns to reach consumers no matter where they are. Our insight gained from analysing data reduces the element of hit-and-hope in a conversion strategy. With big data and smart interpretation of that data, we deliver tailored messaging at the right place at the right time and on the right device.
A 360 campaign is a sign of the times.
We ensure deep market research, integrated marketing communication and acknowledge contemporary trends. Our assuring creative team is doing wonders for various digital campaigns with continual growth projections and we also guarantee brisk reflexes to your problems. We identify who your customers are, their motivations, and the kind of content they consume, paving the way for a query to customers.
Walk the digital talk with DigiStreet Media.
Awarded Digital Marketing Agency
Over 100
Let’s Imagine, Believe, Create Together