How QA Testing for SEO Can Quickly Boost your revenue and traffic

Whenever you build any site, the rule of thumb is to build it in a way that generates as much revenue & targeted traffic as is essential for your businesses. On a broad scale, we see SEO becoming a normalized marketing tactic in the digital domain, the same way as newspapers, TV & radio were once thought of in the conventional marketing area. However, who decides if the algorithm you’re following is error-free? That’s where QA check comes to play to eliminate critical problems and eventually pave the way for a systemic impact on SEO performance.

A typical QA testing involves auditing key components on all important pages before you release your website to the rest of the world. Now, Quality Assurance is tricky enough to imply on conventional feature releases, but with SEO involved, the whole process levels up on the bar of challenges.

What’s a basic SEO QA checklist?

It’s imperative to run a basic QA on each component of your website if you want to keep extracting crucial benefits in the long run. Right from monitoring the use of proper punctuations in the url, QA testing involves a deep run through the canonical tags, analytics, tracking code, and media attributes. The use of eccentric meta description, proper functioning and redirecting of page links, presence of accurate resolution images/videos and an overall consistency of web pages in terms of design, graphics & content flow are some of the quick points one must ensure.

Why QA testing is relevant for revenue & traffic

There’s no denying that it’s a new world of web where as soon as you want to look up something, your reflex takes you online. Gone are the days when one would resort to the Yellow Pages of Phonebook to resolve their queries. Now is the time when your website acts as the most authentic source of information for others, thereby churning the revenue machine for you.

However, you must also not rule out the fact that you’re not the only one searchable on the internet. The internet is flooded with websites of all sorts, each of them struggling to top the search list in order to squeeze more traffic. Amidst such a chaotic, crowded marketplace, Quality Assured SEO is the only thing that guarantees your visibility.

Should you implement QA testing for your website?

By implementing an efficient QA testing, you’re swiftly moving ahead in evaluating the best steps to optimize your pages for SEO results. Essentially, you’re eliminating all possibile errors and comparing your work with what’s showing up on searches, so that you align it with the top results. Clearly Quality Assurance Testing is go-to way to weigh the possibilities of how strong your SEO strategy is. Rightly so, relevant targeted traffic and high revenue become the crucial products of the process.

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