Digital marketing Tips to help Brands thrive During COVID-19

2020 is the year that brought a revolution in the way we operate, think and live. As we are dealing with an unprecedented moment in history, everything stands still to the fate of a pandemic.

The result of all this? Businesses are suffering, and owners are panicking.

Billions of us are stuck at home to prevent the spread of one of the world’s worst-ever virus. Clearly, life in quarantine is challenging, and virtual reality over screens seem to be a tailor-made solution for this moment, and the only way for organisations to connect with their customers.

Now is the time for companies to start rethinking their digital roadmap and marketing plans to remain engaging, relevant and visible by embracing the fruits of the digital world. If you have the right branding and marketing campaigns to attract your targeted audience, now is the time that you might even earn a lot more than you expected at this time.

Review your marketing strategies:

Whether it’s a paid campaign or social media handling, they will be your saviours now. But you need to understand that now consumers are spending more time than usual on digital mediums, so invest in what keeps you unique. Revise your plan accordingly, as this changed market has affected the way how people do search and respond to some search terms. You might see that some of the keywords that used to work well for your business are dropping its value now, alarming you to update your SEO or search engine optimization game. SEO is no longer an option but an absolute necessity.

Track what your customer needs most from you right now. Watching your accounts and your ROI from certain search keywords will give you good insight. Dozens of companies have shifted the focus of their marketing strategies in light of the pandemic. You might need to take the same approach.

Update your communication:

Most brands engage in digital marketing, but only a few do it right. One of the most important ways of doing it is to remain relevant, credible and engaging, to make sure that your business stays on top of mind for clients and customers. In a crisis like COVID-19, the worst possible response is to remain silent. If a brand tries to continue with business as usual, without addressing critical issues of the time, customers will be in awe as to why you are so detached from the rest of the world. No matter who your customers are, they’ll expect to hear some information on how you’re going to keep both your employees and the public safe. Address their concerns and create crisis communication strategies. Leaving your clients in the dark will cost you to lose out on a good prospect and a loyal customer.

Now more than ever, scrollers are looking online to find useful information, stay entertained, and even figure out which companies they can trust, so make sure you hit the nail on the head.

Strong grip on social media:

Some call it a curse, some call it a boon, but social media is the fastest-growing trend in the world that has changed our way of living and doing business. Moreover, in the present, it is the only way of mental travel while we are physically bound in our homes. Make the utmost use of this time to bring an image for your brand that is exclusive and unique on feeds. Tell your brand story by building your feeds, attract communities and build content for them on an idea that brings people together, and lastly, own up moments on the internet.

Change your strategy:

Strategies that were working best for your businesses, might not work best now in bringing in business and keeping your clients engaged. Today’s pandemic ridden market is driven more and more by the needs and desires of consumers, and brands must keep pace with those changes. Some strategies that you should adopt are:

  • Use Augmented Reality (AR): While everyone is hooked to their screens, adopting AR in your marketing strategy is an answer to many’s social distancing concerns. It will not just drive sales and enhance brand value through mobile devices, but will also give customers a unique experience of trying before buying on their screens at home, putting water to their physical contact worries.
  • Interactive posts: Most brands speak at the audience, but do not engage in conversation with them through their social posts. This is a mistake. Make your social presence as your sale pitch. Here, use interactive posts as a replacement of a physical salesman to explain complicated features or voice of your brand.
  • Virtual brand experience: Use of Facebook and Instagram live feature to stay connected with clients, users and audiences are the new tech-savvy way of keeping your people engaged with your brand. Now when physical interactions are shrinking, turn to these channels to make good use of them as its a no brainer that social media consumes us now. Use it for your virtual launches and conferences.
  • Playable ads: Give a realtime experience to customers with playable ads. In the wide scope of digital marketing, the best form of attracting business does not mean great fortune, but just a correct AD management services to attract customers, audience and build a brand name. Whether it provides 360-degree digital campaign experience across channels, having cost-effective measures to tap new customers, doing minute targeting with a result-driven approach, AD Management is the reality and a strong pillar of digital marketing.

Making two-way communication:

It is a no-brainer that more people are using the internet nowadays, than ever before. Most brands speak at the audience but do not engage in conversation. That is the biggest mistake that can cost them. That goes down to the level of bad content marketing. If you want to bring in more leads, conversions and shaped reputation, make sure you address their needs. It is not enough to draw your audience in, you have to engage with them in such a way that they want to come back to your brand for their queries. For this, respond to their feedback, listen to your followers to gain valuable market insights.

Manage your reputation:

Trust is the holy grails of marketing and sales. In a crisis, people always look for evidence of who they can trust, and who they can’t. If you want your customers to be your loyal customers, who continue to buy from you both during difficult times and otherwise, then make sure that you’re delivering the right image. Remaining active and addressing their queries with an empathetic tone is all it takes. Digital presence is fragile and contagious, make sure you handle it with care and hence invest in good Online Reputation Management (ORM).

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